Saturday, 24 March 2007

Useful Parts Of Rehabilitation

Sports Rehabilitation

- How You Can Get

Back Faster And


Sports, for many, is part and parcel of lour lives. With the increasing focus on healthy living and exercise, many people are turning to sports. Sports such as football, basketball, baseball, soccer, have produced many heroes and idols.

Thousands of athletes aspire to excel in these fields as well. However, along with the glory and rewards that come with the fame, the intensive training and long hours that athletes put into their game, can result in injuries that could affect their form. It is good news then, that there is specialized care available when such injuries such as sprained ankles to crushed vertebrae occur. Sports rehabilitation is a growing sector and it has helped many athletes regain their form and maintain their career.

When faced with a niggling pain that just will not subside, it would be prudent of you to seek help as soon as possible. Any further stress or aggravation caused by exerting the injured part of your body during the physical activity would only make it worse. Not only will the problem not go away, there might be a chance that you would have to stop playing the game if you do not attend to it. Those who insist on bearing with the pain actually end up hurting themselves more extensively at that point.

It is important that you check with a physical therapist at sports rehabilitation centers if you have a serious injury sustained during training. Injuries such as fractures can be easily aggravated if left alone and the condition can deteriorate and turn into a chronic problem in the long run. Of course, not every injury needs to be assessed by a professional sports therapist; however, it pays to be safe.

At sports rehabilitation centers, sports therapists do not only attend to injuries, they can also guide you on the ways to prevent other injuries. For instance, there can be guidance on proper warming up techniques specific to the individual, based on previous injuries and weaker joints.

Sports rehabilitation centers are usually well-equipped with facilities such as a full gym as well as pools, and even massage therapy rooms. There are also specific therapy machines available to tend to your injuries. In addition, the trainers would be able to help you train your injuries. Trainers give undivided attention to their clients as these sessions are on a one-to-one basis. This would be useful as clients are guided through the recovery process, with additional guiding given to draft up appropriate exercises specific to the client that will increase strength and flexibility during their injury.

As the trainers at sports rehabilitation centers have had professional training in the theory of the human physiology as well as practical experience with injuries, you are able to have a greater chance of a speedy recovery. In addition, the possibility of a full recovery is also greater. You should be able to get back into the full swing of things in a shorter time than you could on your own.

Opting to go to a sports rehabilitation facility when recovering from your sports injury is a smart idea to help you work through your injury. It will also ascertain that you do not you're your muscle mass and flexibility at this critical juncture. Of course, there is the benefit of getting the individual attention that you deserve.

Author: Moses Wright

Moses Wright is the founder of Rehabilitation Program. He provides more useful information on Drug Addiction Rehabilitation and Physical Rehabilitation Therapy on his website. Webmasters are welcome to reprint this article if you keep the content and live link intact.

Saturday, 17 March 2007

Natures own healer - The living breath

Breathing For Beginners

If you can read this, then the chances are you don’t consider yourself a beginner at breathing. After all, you’ve been doing it for years. But are you really breathing or are you operating on automatic pilot and missing out on a whole host of breath related benefits.

Breath awareness helps the body detox, repair, regenerate and blow stress away. Read on to discover the simple secrets of how your breath can calm your mind and heal your body…

Influencing Autonomy Breathing is the only vital autonomic bodily function that can be consciously controlled and directed by the mind. This is so for a reason; your breathing is a bridge between your body and your mind. To allow your breathing to remain unconscious and automatic is to exist in a realm where that bridge is obstructed.

The breath is intended as a balancing device, a tuning tool that allows you conscious control of your emotions, and access to states of deep relaxation and harmony. Your breath holds the key to the door of compassion and understanding for all living beings. Why? Because it is in the moments of peace and stillness created by breath awareness that you can get in touch with the inner you. The peaceful, calm and competent you, and the you that can extend empathy, care and concern to others.

Being able to control your breath means being able to control your mind and being able to deeply nourish, oxygenate and detox the cells and tissues of your body.

When you are rushing about too busy and too stressed to eat properly, breath properly etc etc you are also too busy to connect properly with others. Over years of observation it has come to my attention that stressed people are not popular people. They are snappy, selfish and a strain to be around. They are missing out on the sweetness and subtleties of life. Stress robs us of the pleasures to be found in simple things in life and can cause us to drive others nuts with our ranting about little inconveniences that become mountains of self-obsessed stupidity.

Stress is a personality spoiler - breathing practice is a personality nourisher. It may well be one of the most powerful, yet overlooked tools in personal development.

Deeply Does it… Deep breathing is also detoxing to the internal organs as the diaphragm assists the heart by massaging the organs as it draws down to breath deeply and then pumping blood strongly back up to the heart and lungs for more effective cleansing and re-oxygenation.

Detoxing, regeneration and repair of the body are further enhanced and triggered by the parasympathetic switch brought about by deep breathing. Slowing and deepening your breathing is a sign to your body to switch off the “fight or flight” responses that operate when you’re under duress.

The trouble with the hustle and bustle of modern life is that your body may perceive you to be always experiencing stress to some degree. If you are in the habit of breathing rapidly and shallowly, your nervous system may not get the message to “stand down” and you may be rapidly burning your energy reserves by living on constant standby.

That standby state keeps adrenaline coursing through your veins, puts your digestive system on hold, and causes excess heat and acidity in the body - which are two major causes of degeneration and disease.

Slow Your Breath and Lengthen Your Life The Vedas teach that life duration is measured in breaths and that there is a direct relationship between how fast you breath and how long you live. To breath rapidly and high up in the chest squanders your vitality. It makes you gasp like a fish out of water. Slowing your breathing preserves your vital energy and calms your spirit.

A recent study in India concluded that the average volume of air inhaled can be increased by up to 50% after just 15 minutes of deep diaphragmatic breathing and that the average number of breaths per minute reduced from 15 to just 5 breaths a minute thus making breathing more efficient, energy producing, and stress reducing.

“When breathing is depressed or strained, all sorts of diseases will occur. Those who wish to nurture their lives must first learn the correct methods of controlling the breath and balancing energy. These breathing methods can cure all ailments great and small.” from Precious Recipes by Sun ssu-mo of the Tang Dynasty

How to Educate Your Lungs Both Qigong (which literally mean “energy work” or “breathing skill”) and Yoga teach a basic form of diaphragmatic breathing that can be learned and practised easily and without complex instruction.

Daily sessions of 10 to 15 minutes are long enough to make a significant difference to your life, the added benefit of regular practice being that you will educate yourself to be always more mindful of your breath, or at least to know how to stand down and recover quickly from stress and emotional upsets.

Here’s a quick guide to deep diaphragmatic breathing…

Stage 1: Inhalation Inhale through your nose. Relax your diaphragm as you breath in and let it draw the air down deep into your abdominal cavity (i.e. Stomach area). Allow your ribcage to relax and expand as you breath in so that your lungs can get “topped up” right up to your collarbone area.

Then press the air down into your diaphragm so that your stomach wall is pushed out.

Stage 2: Retention Hold that breath! Consciously hold the breath for about 5 seconds then relax and let it out.

Stage 3: Exhalation Pull your stomach in and up and let the breath out in a slow steady stream through your mouth. Be sure to fully empty your lungs.

Stage 4: Empty Retention Pause for a few seconds with your lungs empty before starting again with the next complete and deep inhalation.

In pranayama, Yoga’s ancient system of breathing for health and longevity, it is this held empty state that is considered the most beneficial to the body and the mind.

Ananga Sivyer is a health writer with a passion for helping people feel positive and in control of thier lives.

For more articles like this and FREE meditation, relaxation and breathing exercise MP3 downloads join on her Living by Design Blog at

Article Source:

Sunday, 11 March 2007

Alcoholics Anonymous,

the Original

Twelve-Step Program

Alcoholics Anonymous was started in June of 1935 when stockbroker Bill
Wilson met Dr. Bob Smith while on a business trip to Akron, Ohio. Bill had
gone into a hotel lobby at six months sober, and chose to call a local
hospital to ask to work with another alcoholic instead of wandering into the
hotel's bar.

The book entitled ¡°Alcoholics Anonymous¡± was published in 1939. The
Alcoholics Anonymous book outlines each of the twelve steps to recovery
and is the foundation on which the organization was built. The Alcoholics
Anonymous (AA) program has helped millions of people get and stay sober.
Alcoholics Anonymous has worked where countless treatment programs for
alcoholics has failed because of the fellowship of alcoholics reaching out to
each other to provide a supportive environment in which the recovering
alcoholic knows that they are not alone.

During Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, and with the help of a sponsor,
recovering alcoholics are convinced that the need for a moral inventory,
confession of personality defects, restitution for harm done to others,
helping other alcoholics, and the necessity of a belief in a power greater
then themselves are the keys to long term sobriety.

For more information visit about alcoholism, visit Alcoholism

David Chandler

Saturday, 3 March 2007

Combating Alcoholism -

A Highly Addictive

But Stoppable Habit


Drinking is seen as a social activity and seldom do people realize that social drinking can escalate and become a case for alcoholism. Alcohol addiction is a serious problem and can be the reason for your professional downfall. Alcohol addiction has lingering effects on your mind and body, causing you to lose control of aspects of your daily life. Yet, this problem is seldom surfaced. Addicts and their family members are sometimes even unaware that they are facing a drinking problem.

Alcoholism is difficult to combat because many addicts are able to mask their addiction well while a few others think that it is not a real issue. Secondly it is difficult to combat alcoholism alone as it is highly addictive. The good news is that there are alcohol rehabilitation programs available to assist those who have this addiction.

Many people find it difficult to believe, much less admit, that one of their close family members are alcoholics. Many will ignore the symptoms of alcoholism, when faced with the possibility that one of the family members show signs of addiction, preferring to remain in the dark about it. The most common signs of alcoholism are: members of your family drinking early in the morning or as soon as they awaken. Some people resort to hiding evidence of their drinking habits by discarding bottles quietly. Others might imbibe large quantities of alcohol throughout the day and end up being drunk most of time.

One of the first steps one can take is also unfortunately the hardest. And that is to recognize the addiction and acknowledge that one has a problem. Only then, does the idea of looking for help really come to mind and be a good start to the road of recovery. Admitting addiction and looking for help is very important as the withdrawal symptoms can be harsh, and without external help, it will be hard to overcome.

One could be easily tempted to take a small sip to deal with the withdrawal symptoms and backslide into alcoholism. Therefore, it is advisable for most alcoholics to gain the help of a support group or enroll in an alcohol rehabilitation program in order to stay sober. Currently, online services offer a comprehensive list of alcohol rehabilitation centers as there are a number to be found in almost every city and town. In addition, there are various programs catered to suit everyone's needs and preferences. It would be good to attend alcohol rehabilitation program near you to minimize time and effort needed to attend the meetings.

The starting weeks will be tough as it is during then that the worst cravings will hit. It is important to show love, support, and understanding during this difficult time if you have close friends or family who are affected. Above all, remember that perseverance is the key. It might seem very difficult at the beginning, but because you have already embarked on the hardest part, one should not give up just yet!

Combating alcohol addiction does not only begin and end at the rehabilitation center. It is a 24 hours program that needs discipline and motivation to see it through and it also goes on for 7 days a week. Because it is a trying time for the person trying to remain sober, bear in mind that every bit of understanding offered will be helpful until the worst is over.

About the AuthorMoses Wright is the webmaster of Rehabilitation Program. You can find more useful information on Alcohol Abuse Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Services on his website. You can reprint this article if you keep the content and live link intact.